iOS Application Testing
Jailbreaking iOS Device:
After iOS Device is Jailbroken, Cydia is installed on the device. This can be used to install multiple testing tools like:
IPA Installer
Frida Server
Installing SSL Kill Switch 2:
Now SSL Kill Switch 2 will appear in Settings, you just need to toggle it on!
Pulling IPA from iOS Device:
Now Connect to the iOS Device IP address using FileZilla to download the IPA from the above Location. This IPA can be used on tools like MobSF for static analysis
Frida on iOS:
If Frida Server doesn't start through Cydia, Start is manually:
List devices:
List Installed Applications:
Connect to the iOS Device Using USB:
Connect to the iOS Device Remotely Using its IP Address:
Using a Codeshare Script via USB Connection:
using Codeshare Script via Remote IP Connection:
Unable to connect to remote frida-server / Waiting for USB device to appear...
Server Side - On iOS Device by SSH-ing to the device
Client side - on Testing Machine with Frida:
Dumping Decrypted IPA using Frida IOS Dumper:
Make sure Frida is installed and running and usable before using this repo. This repo uses Frida so will need that setup and installed.
First clone the repo:
Reference Video here:
Clone the repo:
In another Terminal open a ssh proxy and run the following:
Make sure the credentials in the file are root:alpine (unless you have changed them on your iOS jailbroken device):
Now list all the application packages using the -l flag:
Now without the -l flag dump the package of your choice as decrypted IPA. I'm using -o to output a different file name but can also just dump without changing the name:
The File saves on your machine.
Specify output file name:
Multiple Frida Bypasses in Conjunction:
Last updated