Search-EventForUser.ps1: Powershell script that search through the Windows event logs for specific user(s)
Search-FullNameToSamAccount.ps1: Full name to SamAccountName
Search-UserPassword.ps1: Search LDAP for userPassword field
Remote-WmiExecute.ps1: Execute command remotely using WMI
Take-Screenshot.ps1: Take a screenshot (PNG)
Get-BrowserHomepage.ps1: Get browser homepage
Get-IEBookmarks.ps1: List all Internet Explorer bookmarks URLs
Invoke-ADPasswordBruteForce.ps1: Test users password
Utility.ps1: Contain several cmdlets
Run-As.ps1: Run a process as another user (credentials)
Get-ProcessList.ps1: List processes, owner and command line arguments
Remote-RegisterProtocolHandler.ps1: Use protocol handler to run your command to bypass some detection
Add-UserLogonScript: Add a logon script to a specific user
This cmdlet create a protocol handler that will call your payload. The idea is to avoid detection since the command that will be execute will look like the following one:
explorer ms-browse://
Where ms-browser is the custom handler you registered and will execute your command